
Posture and confidence are closely intertwined, as the way we carry ourselves physically has a profound impact on our mental and emotional well-being. Posture refers to the alignment and positioning of the body, including the head, shoulders, spine, and pelvis. Good posture involves maintaining proper alignment while sitting, standing, and moving, which has numerous benefits for both physical and psychological health.


Confidence is a state of self-assurance and a belief in one’s abilities, worth, and potential. It is influenced by various factors, including past experiences, self-perception, and external feedback.


Interestingly, research has shown that posture can significantly influence confidence levels. A 2015 study of 74 participants that examined the question – “Do slumped and upright postures affect stress responses?” concluded that upright participants reported high self-esteem, better mood, and lower fear compared to slumped participants that were in the trial. (Effects of good posture).

And this is not just applicable to adults. In 2020 a study by psychologists concluded that a dominant body posture may help children to feel more confident in school. (Children and confidence).

What can happen if we adopt a good posture?

When we adopt a posture that is open, upright, and aligned, it signals confidence in ourselves and others. Standing tall with shoulders back and head held high portrays an air of self-assuredness. This upright posture not only enhances physical presence but also creates a positive impression on others, leading to increased confidence in social interactions.

Furthermore, the mind and body are deeply interconnected, and our physical state can influence our emotional state. Maintaining good posture helps optimise breathing, circulation, and muscle function, which can positively affect mood and mental clarity. When we stand or sit in a slouched or hunched position, it can restrict breathing, contribute to muscle tension, and lead to feelings of fatigue or low energy, which can undermine confidence.

On the other hand, adopting an open and expansive posture has been shown to promote feelings of empowerment and positive self-perception. Research conducted by social psychologist Amy Cuddy and her colleagues demonstrated that adopting “power poses,” such as standing in a wide stance with arms raised, for just a few minutes can increase levels of testosterone (associated with confidence) and decrease levels of cortisol (associated with stress). (TED talk, Amy Buddy and power posing).

Improving posture can, therefore, have a transformative effect on confidence. By consciously practicing and cultivating good posture, individuals can not only enhance physical well-being but also boost their self-assurance, improve body image, and project a more confident and positive presence in various aspects of life.


Good posture and confidence are deeply interconnected. By maintaining an upright and aligned posture, individuals can improve physical health, enhance mood, and project confidence in themselves and others. Cultivating good posture can contribute to an increased sense of self-assuredness, positive body image, and overall well-being, ultimately allowing individuals to navigate life with greater confidence and success.

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